Our History

Our Humble Beginnings
A lady named Alberta Chick. That is where it all started. Alberta wanted a good church in the Monmouth area and she gathered some of her lady friends for prayer meetings. From these ladies’ prayer meetings was born Victory Baptist Church.
Our Pastors
Pastor Jeff Clark
A young man named Jeff Clark from the local area had been saved and called to preach. He began attending Bible College in Lynchburg, VA. Every once in a while he would come home for a weekend and preach to those who had gathered at the Chick residence. Upon completing college he became the first pastor of Victory Baptist Church. The church by this time had already bought some property with a barn on it. The barn was remodeled and became the church building. The first official service was held on Father’s Day 1976.
Pastor Clark was a go-getter. Under his leadership the church began to grow and the desire for a Christian School arose. The church bought some property in Winthrop (our current location). The property was an old bar called the Oxbow. Once again, the church members went to work remodeling. This time they turned an old bar into a school. In just a short time the church decided to sell the barn and move into the school until they could build a new auditorium on the Winthrop property. Sadly, this building was never achieved.
Pastor Shepherd
Pastor Clark accepted the call to pastor a church in Virginia which opened the door for Pastor Shepherd. Pastor Shepherd was not here for long, but his influence was just what was needed at the time.
Pastor Rick Nesbitt
Pastor Rick Nesbitt accepted the call to pastor the church in July 1987. Under his leadership the church became a strong soul winning church and took a strong stand for the King James Bible. Pastor Nesbitt and his charismatic charm won over many Mainers. All over the area people still ask about him.
Pastor Rick Walter
Pastor Rick Walter became the pastor in January 2003. Under his pastorate, the church had a high day of 214 in Sunday School and thousands saved. His goal was to spend his life reaching the lost in the Winthrop area, and he had a burning desire and a vision for a new church building. Construction began on the building in 2010, but many roadblocks delayed progress beyond the foundation. He never gave up his dream, but continued working towards it and fundraising throughout his time as pastor. In 2016, the church was able to hire Bro. Chris Droullard as assistant pastor. The church saw a boom of growth, and construction began on the building again. However, in July of 2017, Pastor Walter was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer. During the time of Pastor Walter’s illness, construction on the building again came to a halt. His health declined rapidly, and on November 17, 2017, he entered the gates of Heaven.
Pastor Chris Droullard
Assistant Pastor Chris Droullard became the interim pastor, and then on February 18, 2018, he accepted the call to pastor. What a challenge for the new pastor – comfort a grieving church and do something about this building. He sought advice from veteran pastors and was told, if you don’t have the faith to build, you better get out of the ministry! He stepped out in faith, and God has richly rewarded! God gave Charlie Snyder, a retired general contractor and longtime church member, the strength, wisdom, and heart to take on the project. It was not easy, but God provided each time the church stepped out in faith. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were given by members and also from outside sources. Many church members spent hours upon days upon weeks upon months upon years, volunteering their time, skill, and labor to the project. Finally, on April 11, 2021, the building was complete, and services were held in the new building.
Our New Building
We have been so happy to put the building project behind us and focus on filling the beautiful building God has given us! With a full industrial kitchen, we now have a ministry that serves hot meals every Sunday. Each classroom space is in use every week, and buses pull out of the parking lot early every Sunday morning to pick up kids, teens, and families from Lewiston, Auburn, and Augusta. There are so many more that need to hear the Gospel and know God’s love, and our prayer is for God to send more laborers into the harvest.
Want To Plan A Visit?
We would love for you to plan a visit with us. Whether you have been in church for years or have never stepped foot inside of a church service, we would be honored to have you in attendance at our church.