In Loving Memory Of Pastor Walter

Pastor Rick Walter
September 30, 1971 – November 17, 2017
Richard Walter was the pastor of Victory Baptist Church from 2003-2017. He was a man of God that truly loved each member of the church. He loved serving the Lord, reaching the lost in Winthrop, and spending time with his family. He was a friend to all that needed him and always gave wise counsel with a loving heart. He was the kind of pastor that any church would love to have. He always placed the needs of others above his own personal desires and even spent one Christmas morning in the hospital with a church member instead of spending it with his own family. He will be greatly missed for years to come and his influence on the members of Victory Baptist Church will never be forgotten. If you haven’t already, please come and visit the Rick Walter Auditorium located at Victory Baptist Church.
The Giving Tree
The Hardest Decision God Ever Had To Make
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